These interactive flashcards will coach the student on how to convert 8-bit signed (using the 2's complement method) numbers to their decimal equivalent.

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal

Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1111 0011

Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1111 0011

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 1 in the most significant digit, it is negative. So we will perform the two steps to find the value.

Step 1: Complement the number

0000 1100

Step 2: Add 1

0000 1101

This number represents 8+4+1 which is 13, so our original number represents -13.

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Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1111 0011

Your Answer

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 1 in the most significant digit, it is negative. So we will perform the two steps to find the value.

Step 1: Complement the number

0000 1100

Step 2: Add 1

0000 1101

This number represents 8+4+1 which is 13, so our original number represents -13.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal

Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

0010 1001

Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

0010 1001

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 0 in the most significant digit, it is positive. So we just need to calculate the decimal equivalent, 32+8+1=41.

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Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

0010 1001

Your Answer

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 0 in the most significant digit, it is positive. So we just need to calculate the decimal equivalent, 32+8+1=41.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal

Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1010 1101

Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1010 1101

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 1 in the most significant digit, it is negative. So we will perform the two steps to find the value.

Step 1: Complement the number

0101 0010

Step 2: Add 1

0101 0011

This number represents 64+16+2+1 which is 83, so our original number represents -83.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1010 1101

Your Answer

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 1 in the most significant digit, it is negative. So we will perform the two steps to find the value.

Step 1: Complement the number

0101 0010

Step 2: Add 1

0101 0011

This number represents 64+16+2+1 which is 83, so our original number represents -83.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal

Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1001 1100

Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1001 1100

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 1 in the most significant digit, it is negative. So we will perform the two steps to find the value.

Step 1: Complement the number

0110 0011

Step 2: Add 1

0110 0100

This number represents 64+32+4 which is 100, so our original number represents -100.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1001 1100

Your Answer

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 1 in the most significant digit, it is negative. So we will perform the two steps to find the value.

Step 1: Complement the number

0110 0011

Step 2: Add 1

0110 0100

This number represents 64+32+4 which is 100, so our original number represents -100.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal

Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

0001 1000

Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

0001 1000

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 0 in the most significant digit, it is positive.  So we just need to calculate the decimal equivalent, 16+8=24.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

0001 1000

Your Answer

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 0 in the most significant digit, it is positive.  So we just need to calculate the decimal equivalent, 16+8=24.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal

Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

0101 0110

Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

0101 0110

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 0 in the most significant digit, it is positive.  So we just need to calculate the decimal equivalent, 64+16+4+2=86.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

0101 0110

Your Answer

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 0 in the most significant digit, it is positive.  So we just need to calculate the decimal equivalent, 64+16+4+2=86.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal

Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1101 1100

Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1101 1100

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 1 in the most significant digit, it is negative. So we will perform the two steps to find the value.

Step 1: Complement the number

0010 0011

Step 2: Add 1

0010 0100

This number represents 32+4 which is 36, so our original number represents -36.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1101 1100

Your Answer

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 1 in the most significant digit, it is negative. So we will perform the two steps to find the value.

Step 1: Complement the number

0010 0011

Step 2: Add 1

0010 0100

This number represents 32+4 which is 36, so our original number represents -36.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal

Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1101 0100

Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1101 0100

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 1 in the most significant digit, it is negative. So we will perform the two steps to find the value.

Step 1: Complement the number

0010 1011

Step 2: Add 1

0010 1100

This number represents 32+8+4 which is 44, so our original number represents -44.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1101 0100

Your Answer

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 1 in the most significant digit, it is negative. So we will perform the two steps to find the value.

Step 1: Complement the number

0010 1011

Step 2: Add 1

0010 1100

This number represents 32+8+4 which is 44, so our original number represents -44.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal

Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

0001 0011

Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

0001 0011

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 0 in the most significant digit, it is positive. So we just need to calculate the decimal equivalent, 16+2+1=19.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

0001 0011

Your Answer

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 0 in the most significant digit, it is positive. So we just need to calculate the decimal equivalent, 16+2+1=19.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal

Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1011 0000

Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1011 0000

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 1 in the most significant digit, it is negative. So we will perform the two steps to find the value.

Step 1: Complement the number

0100 1111

Step 2: Add 1

0101 0000

This number represents 64+16 which is 80, so our original number represents -80.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1011 0000

Your Answer

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 1 in the most significant digit, it is negative. So we will perform the two steps to find the value.

Step 1: Complement the number

0100 1111

Step 2: Add 1

0101 0000

This number represents 64+16 which is 80, so our original number represents -80.

 Next Question
Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal

Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1111 1110

Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1111 1110

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 1 in the most significant digit, it is negative. So we will perform the two steps to find the value.

Step 1: Complement the number

0000 0001

Step 2: Add 1

0000 0010

This number represents 2, so our original number represents -2.

Question 1 of 10

Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


Convert the 2's complement signed binary number below to its signed decimal equivalent.

1111 1110

Your Answer

Correct Answer



Since this number has a 1 in the most significant digit, it is negative. So we will perform the two steps to find the value.

Step 1: Complement the number

0000 0001

Step 2: Add 1

0000 0010

This number represents 2, so our original number represents -2.

Question 1 of 10
Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal


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Binary Numbers: Signed 2's Complement to Decimal by Fox Valley Technical College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.