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Cranial Nerves and Concussions Game

| See more in Health Science

Cranial Nerves and Concussions

Created Date 04.02.21
Last Updated 04.07.21
Viewed 9 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • In our brain we have ____ many pairs of Cranial Nerves?
  • Our cranial nerves are numbered using what format?
  • All Cranial Nerves have either or both a Sensory and Motor function
  • Which option is a Sensory function?
  • How many senses do we have?
  • How many cranial nerves have both a sensory and motor function?
  • What is the name of cranial nerve V?
  • What is the name of cranial nerve I?
  • What is the name of cranial nerve X?
  • What cranial nerve is tested by shrugging the shoulders?
  • What cranial nerve is tested by asking the athlete to read the scoreboard?
  • What number cranial nerve is the Hypoglossal nerve?
  • How do we test the facial nerve?
  • Can symptoms be seen?
  • What is a sign?
  • What factor make increase the risk of a concussion?
  • What factor may increase the risk of a concussion?
  • What is a risk of not allowing a concussion to heal?
  • What disease is caused by repeated concussions and sub-concussive blows over a long period of time
  • What fluid does the brain sit in?
  • What injury would call for a CT scan?
  • Effects of a Concussion are usually ___?
  • Can an athlete return to play if minor signs of a concussion persist?
  • What scale is used to determine an athletes ability to return to play?
  • What is level 1 in the return to play plan?
  • What exercises can an athlete due in stage 2?
  • What level must an athlete return to if signs of a concussion return?
  • How many levels are there in the return to play guidelines?
  • At what level may an athlete return to play?