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Sanchi's Bingo - Math

| See more in Mathematics

Terms and definitions

Created Date 05.20.21
Last Updated 05.20.21
Viewed 3 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • A triangle that has 3 congruent sides
  • A angle that is more than 90 degrees
  • A unit of metric length that equals 100 centimeters
  • A angle that is less than 90 degrees
  • A angle that is 90 degrees
  • A angle that is 180 degrees
  • The amount of money in someone's bank account
  • A number that is on the bottom of a fraction bar
  • A number that is on the top of a fraction bar
  • A unit of time that is equal to 60 seconds
  • A unit of time that is equal to 12 months
  • A unit of time that is equal to 7 days
  • A unit of time that is equal to 24 hours
  • A unit of time that is equal to 60 minutes
  • A polygon with 6 sides
  • A polygon with 8 sides
  • A polygon with 5 sides
  • An expense that changes all the time
  • An expense that never changes
  • The answer of an addition problem
  • A triangle that has no sides that are the same length
  • A triangle that has 2 sides that are equal
  • The answer of a subtraction problem
  • The answer of a multiplication problem
  • The answer of a division problem