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Thinking and Intelligence

| See more in Psychology

By Hannah Broooks

Created Date 07.02.21
Last Updated 07.12.21
Viewed 6 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • A ____ is a mental category that groups objects, activities, abstractions, or qualities having common properties.
  • This is an especially representative example of a concept.
  • ____are mental processes occurring outside of conscious awareness but accessible to consciousness when necessary.
  • ____ is an integrated mental network of knowledge, beliefs, and expectations concerning a particular aspect of the world.
  • A mental representation that mirrors or resembles the thing it represents.
  • People always think logically and reason dialectically.
  • An example of an obstacle would be needing to always be right.
  • The tendency to consult one's emotions instead of estimating probabilities objectively is ____.
  • The tendency to judge the probability of a type of event by how easy it is to think of examples or instances is ____.
  • ____ is the tendency for people's choices to be affected by how a choice is presented, or framed, such as whether it is worded in terms of potential losses or gains.
  • The tendency to overestimate one's ability to have predicted an event after the outcome is known as ____.
  • The tendency to look for or pay attention to only information that confirms one's own belief is ____.
  • Intelligence is an inferred characteristic, usually defined as the ability to profit from experience, acquire knowledge, think abstractly, act purposefully, or adapt to changes in the environment.
  • G factor is the capacity to reason and use information to solve problems; it is relatively independent of education.
  • Cognitive skills and specific knowledge acquired over a lifetime; it is heavily dependent on education and tends to remain stable over time is ____.
  • A measure of development expressed in terms of the average mental ability at a given age is ____.
  • A measure of intelligence originally computed by dividing a person's mental age by his or her chronological age and multiplying it by 100 is ____.
  • ____ is the study of cognitive processes in nonhuman animals.
  • A primary ingredient of human cognition is language.
  • Anthropomorphism is the tendency to falsely attribute human qualities to nonhuman beings without considering simpler explanations for the animals' behavior.