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Communication Types

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Try to identify the type of communication being used in each scenario

Created Date 02.02.22
Last Updated 02.03.22
Viewed 17 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • You see your neighbor kick a dog and think to yourself "How could he?!" but you say and do nothing.
  • A kid at the lunch table starts making fun of a friend of yours. You threaten to beat him up if he does not stop.
  • The teacher partners you up with a kid who keeps bossing you around. You tell the kid, "I feel frustrated when you boss me around. I want us to work together on this project."
  • At recess, the kids you are playing tag with are all saying you were tagged. You do not think you were but agree to be it. After recess, you start spreading rumors about the kids with whom you were playing tag.
  • You are trying to take a test and the kid next to you won't stop talking. You tell the kid, "Shut-up! Nobody even likes you!"
  • You found out that your friend lied to you so you completely ignore her and do not tell her why.
  • The teacher is trying to explain an assignment and you are in a bad mood. You yell at her and tell her you know what you are doing.
  • In gym class, a teammate blames you for losing the game. You agree and apologize for being horrible at sports.
  • You are excited about your new haircut but even when you mention it to your friends, they say nothing. You tell them they are jealous of how much better you look than them.
  • You are doing a group project in class and the other kids are not listening to your input. You say, "Excuse me. I am feeling really frustrated because I want to help with this project. I want you to listen when I talk."
  • The teacher corrects you in class for not paying attention. You try to explain yourself by saying, "I was just trying to find something quick" and do not change your behavior.