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Fill in the puzzle by answering the clues

Created Date 04.11.22
Last Updated 04.11.22
Viewed 4 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • any computer code that can be used to steal data, bypass access controls, or harm or compromise a system
  • malware designed to track the actions of users and capture data
  • software that automatically delivers advertisements. Some types contain spyware.
  • malware designed to automatically perform actions over the Internet
  • a type of malware that holds a computer system captive, frequently by encrypting essential data, until a payment is made to the attacker
  • malware that carries out malicious operations while appearing to have a desired function. They are included in non-executable files, unlike viruses
  • a type of social engineering attack in which an individual lies in order to gain access to privileged information
  • a type of social engineering attack in which an attacker follows an authorized person into a secure location
  • use of a generic fraudulent email that appears to be sent by a legitimate source. Tricks people into installing malware or sharing confident info
  • a popular port scanning tool that can be used to discover vulnerabilities in networked systems
  • a network of distributed infected hosts that is used to launch a DDoS attack
  • connect to a specific wireless network by the way of a network identifier
  • the process of converting information into a form where an unauthorized party cannot read it
  • hardware or software that prevents hackers from accessing your personal or company data
  • a program that scans a computer for malicious software and deletes it
  • monitors online activities and collects personal information without permission
  • a web based device scanner
  • a tool used to gather information about data flowing through a network
  • a conceptual outline of the stages of an information systems attack