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Slithering Psychology Snake Units 1-5

| See more in Psychology

Answering questions from each of the 5 units we have covered, slither the psych snake to the correct answer to each question!

Created Date 12.06.19
Last Updated 12.06.19
Viewed 12 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is correct about correlation methods vs experimental methods?
  • What is operationalism? A) The intuition that we do not know something until tested B) How things work C) The belief that things operate due to science
  • How is validity related to an experiment? A) It is not B) It means that the experiment tests and predicts what it is supposed to C) It points our confounding variables
  • What is the importance of the refractory period? A) To get rid of neurons B) The time it takes for neurons to fire C) The time it takes for neurons to repolarize
  • What does the somatic nervous system control?
  • Why does neurogenesis occur?
  • What is the difference between cones and rods? A) Cones process light and rods process color B) Cones process color and rods process light C) They both process levels of light D) They both process different colors
  • Gustatory receptors are not sensitive to which quality?
  • By rubbing an area of the body that is in pain, what theory is being applied?
  • What is episodic memory?
  • What is the difference between iconic and echoic memory? A) Iconic is auditory, echoic is visual B) They work together to make visual memory C) They work together to make auditory memory D) Iconic is visual, echoic is auditory
  • What is the name for the effect when you can only remember the first and last part to a list you just read?
  • Reinforcement can be positive and negative
  • Punishment can be positive and negative
  • What is the difference between (fixed/variable)ratio and (fixed/variable)interval schedules?