Environmental Quiz
Test your knowledge of environmental issues
JOGO DO TEMPO: Ciência gastronômica
responda no tempo certo às perguntas
Jogo de Terminologia Para Gastronomia 2: Fruits & Legumes
De acordo com o Dicionário ilustrado Fruits Légumes, responda:
The Life Cycle of a Chicken
Sequence the life cycle of a chicken correctly and you win.
Secuencia de Resiembra Jardinería (Gardening Practices)
Este juego reúne la secuencia de las prácticas de jardinería realizadas... serías capaz de ordenar las labores para la realización de una resiembra?
நிரல்படுத்துக.... (Niralpatuttuka ....)
(Tamil language) திருக்குறளை நிரல்படுத்துக... (English translation) Program Thirukkural ...
Truth Book Law of Moses, Law of Christ
Chapter 2
Jag Competency
This short game is designed to test what you know about competencies, and understand your knowledge in it.
Servesafe Chapter 4
Chapter 4 of the Servsafe Manager
Servsafe Chapter 8
Chapter 8 of Servsafe Manager