Crystal Reports Jeopardy
A "questionable" way to study for your Crystal Reports final.
Software Licenses
You'll be introduced to several different types of software licenses.
PM: Sources of Conflict
You'll be introduced to the sources of conflict you'll need to manage as a project manager.
Cognitive Psychology Crossword
Learn Cognitive Psychology Concepts with this Crossword!
Internal Sources of Finance
Sources of Finance within the business
Entrepreneurship Vocabulary
Terms of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial Vocabulary Crossword
Match the words to the correct term
Intro to Law Vocabulary!
Complete the crossword puzzle to get to know the language of business law!
Risk Management: Into the Unknown
Risk is defined as an UNCERTAINTY of an EVENT occurring that could have an IMPACT on the achievement of an objective. Implementing strategies is critical in managing such risks.
Gucci Clienteling