Crystal Reports Jeopardy
A "questionable" way to study for your Crystal Reports final.
Debriefing Dare 2.0
Dare you to test your debriefing knowledge! Answer questions about simulation debriefing to gain more chances to line up the veggies (3 of the same in a row) and gain points! Finish the game to declare - Boom Chakalaka!
Cash Flow Forecasting
Get correct answers for a chance at the board. Can you get the highest score?
Human Resources
This game is to help people get familiar with human resources.
BA 18 Zoom Session: Legal System
Practice session
Todo Sobre el Precio (Prices Spanish)
Juego basado en el tema del precio dentro de la mercadotecnia. Con él aprenderás conceptos, estrategias y factores elementales que te serán útiles para la materia. Aprende jugando y disfruta cada momento que estudies.
Recruitment Process
6 steps recruitment process
Memo Review
Review some basics about Memos.
Juego Educativo
Insights - Desarrollo de Ideas - Lean Canvas
Knowledge On Writing
Trying to avoid ink by using arrow keys, but if touched by the ink you will have to answer a multiple choice question in order to proceed.