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Social and Emotional Learning
SEL is a support for how the brain naturally learns, or brain-based learning. An outgrowth of SEL is social and emotional safety; which children need at school, along with physical and creative safety, to learn optimally.
Teste Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação
Teste disciplina Tecnologias da Informação e Mediação Pedagógica
Outcomes and Competencies
Test your familiarization associated with learning outcomes and competencies.
Performance Assessment Tasks
Answer questions related to the development and implementation of performance assessment tasks.
Jogo Culinários Crossword: Slides 4 Bimestre 2
responda de acordo com conteúdo slides 4
Jogo Culinários Build Your Knowledge: Slides 4 Bimestre 2
Violence in Video Games
Crossword on Video Game Violence and the effects on Today's Youth
Communication Disorders
Communication disorder terms and ASD characteristics
Pre-ETS Crossword