Reading Vocabulary-1
2nd grade reading map vocabulary
JOGO DO TEMPO: Ciência gastronômica
responda no tempo certo às perguntas
Jogo de Terminologia Para Gastronomia 2: Fruits & Legumes
De acordo com o Dicionário ilustrado Fruits Légumes, responda:
Jogo de História da Gastronomia Francesa
De acordo com a apostila de breve história da gastronomia francesa, responda
Performance Standards
The questions in this game will test your comprehension of performance standards. Good Luck!
Jogo Culinários 4: Slides 4 2S
responda conforme conteúdo slides 4
Test Words 3 Baseball
Classroom testing vocabulary baseball
Wisc-Online Gamebuilder: Tips on Building a Good Game!
When building a game you should give your game a good title that lets players know what your game is about. Learn some easy tips about building a good game!
Dealing With Bullies
In an effort to reduce instances of bullying in elementary schools, this game teaches children what to do when they are being bullied and how to handle a situation in which someone else is being bullied.
Vocabulary Set#2
Win the Baseball Game by getting the questions correct!