Beginning Academic Vocabulary
Introduction to academic vocabulary for ELLs, especially the verbs used on standardized tests
Basic Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe
You may need serous Multiplication skills for this game!
Reading Vocabulary-1
2nd grade reading map vocabulary
Story Elements XO
Introduction to story vocabulary for ELLs
Literature Vocabulary Tic-Tac-Toe
Vocabulary words used when discussing a storyline in literature
JOGO DO TEMPO: Ciência gastronômica
responda no tempo certo às perguntas
Jogo de Terminologia Para Gastronomia 2: Fruits & Legumes
De acordo com o Dicionário ilustrado Fruits Légumes, responda:
Jogo De Terminologia 1: Bimestre 2 - métiers
Responda conforme solicitado de acordo com as apostilas Métiers e Ustensiles
Jogo de História da Gastronomia Francesa
De acordo com a apostila de breve história da gastronomia francesa, responda
Performance Standards
The questions in this game will test your comprehension of performance standards. Good Luck!