Name That President!
Test your knowledge of U.S. Presidents. Answer the questions before you run out of time!
Structure of US Congress
Decide which group each term belongs to, either the House of Representatives or the Senate
Media and Marketing
Media, marketing and political campaigns
U.S. Presidents #23-45 Time Out
Play the game to learn the second half of the U.S. Presidents (#23-45).
UNDP ZW QUIZ : Data Concepts
A timed quiz to check how much you know about data concepts and other bits of the internet you encounter on a daily basis. Hint: Watching the shared videos will help.
Democracy (6.10:) (Turkish Language Vocabulary)
Lubbock Power & Light Collections Overall
Business training practice
Employability Baseball Game
Work readiness questions about applications ,etc.
Focus Area 1
NIGP CPP Bridge Exam - Focus Area 1
Legislature Branch
Introducing the legislature branch