Name That President!
Test your knowledge of U.S. Presidents. Answer the questions before you run out of time!
Federal and State Governance of Physical Therapy
Physical Therapist Practice I: Federal and State Governance
Learn about Our 2016 Federal and State Governments
ESL students gain knowledge about civics and have fun at the same time!
U.S. Presidents #23-45 Time Out
Play the game to learn the second half of the U.S. Presidents (#23-45).
Social Studies Final Exam: U.S. History
Review important people and events in U.S. History for your Final Exam!
UNDP ZW QUIZ : Data Concepts
A timed quiz to check how much you know about data concepts and other bits of the internet you encounter on a daily basis. Hint: Watching the shared videos will help.
Democracy (6.10:) (Turkish Language Vocabulary)
The U.S. Constitution
Do you know the correct answer?
Duals: Medicaid and Medicare
Medicare Advantage Dual Eligible
Lubbock Power & Light Collections Overall
Business training practice