Data Types Matching Game
You'll match the data type with the maximum value.
WLAN Client Hardware and Software
You'll familiarize yourself with WLAN client hardware and software.
You'll be introduced to what MIMO is and how it relates to technologies work.
Windows Installation Methods
This will allow you to verify your understanding of some of the key terms and concepts with Windows installation methods.
Gaming Vocabulary
This game has been created to expand gaming vocabulary
Computer Parts
Match the parts of a computer
Spreadsheet Terminology
In this activity, you will review spreadsheet terminology.
Rețele de Telecomunicații (Telecommunication Networks)
(Romanian language) Acest joc are rolul de a fixa într-un mod mai ușor și mai plăcut noile informatii, abia predate. (English translation) This game will help you to better learn new [telecommunications] information.
N-central Features
N-central Features Recap
Agile Concepts
Match agile terms to concept descriptions or examples.Review concepts and then proceed to match these (drag and drop).