Rope Rescue - Basic Knowledge Quiz
You'll test your understanding of basic rope rescue concepts.
Wisconsin Criminal Law
You'll review information for the Wisconsin Department of Justice Exam.
Law Enforcement Vocabulary Review
Law enforcement vocabulary review
Safety Glazing Quiz #1
A good quiz
Criminal Justice Final Review
Criminal Justice
Dominique Burns Referred to Parliament
The activity has been designed to give a sense of the choices that Magistrate Dominique Burns made before being suspended from duty in 2017.
SAG-AFTRA v. Goldade Productions Inc.
A game based on Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television vs. Goldade Contract Law case:
Revista de Derecho Argentino (Argentine law)
Marcar la respuesta que consideren más acertada
Judicial Branch Bingo
Select the correct term based on the given definition.
Public Safety Review
match the words and job descriptions together