Keselamatan Jalan Raya
Anda berpeluang bergerak 5 langkah dengan menjawab satu soalan dengan tepat.
Converting Units of Electricity
Convert Units of Electricity (millivolts to volts, megawatts to watts, etc.)
Road Safety: Chakalaka
Chakalaka is a one player game with multi-choice questions. Answer questions correctly to get 5 moves on the Chakalaka board. Line up 3 or more vegetables in a row on the board and gain points.
Eco Friendly Transportation Baseball
Wie kommst du in die Schule? (How do you get to School) German
A way to learn how to get to school in German
Aviation Baseball!
Answer questions about Aviation and get a free hit to win a home run! The winner with the most points at the end of the 9 innings win!