AR & VR Technology
Get familiar with the basic terms and acronyms used with Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
Computer Programming Unit 3 Lesson 3-7
Test Study Review
Scratch Review
Review of Scratch, a visual programming language and online community.
Microsoft Publisher Terms
Sections within the insert tab
Study Guide 7CP Flashcards - CS and Scratch
Beginner CS and Scratch coding
7CP Study Guide - Basic CS and Scratch Coding Slithery
Beginner CS and Scratch Coding
Basic CS and Scratch Coding 7CP Study Guide - Beekeeper
This game is played to test the knowledge of the player. Your goal is to fill a column of numbers and claim "Bingo". To get those numbers, you knew to answer correctly a few questions about technology.
Cyber Security
Lead the snake to correct answer without touching the edges of the board.
File Management
This game help with the concept of file management on your computer devices