Hexadecimal Bee Game
Converting hexadecimal, binary and decimal numbers.
Understanding Netiquette
Netiquette Basics
UNDP ZW QUIZ : Data Concepts
A timed quiz to check how much you know about data concepts and other bits of the internet you encounter on a daily basis. Hint: Watching the shared videos will help.
Computing Basics: Components
Find computer components
I can follow the Lab Rules
Answer questions about working in the computer lab correctly so that you can help to build the honeycomb.
Operating System Characteristics
Match the Operating System information to the correct Operating Systen
الصيغ الرياضية (Mathematical formulas)
IT subject - Time out game for grade six students.
Cybersecurity (CRJS 405) Game
Cybersecurity Game that tests your knowledge!
Computing Basics: Computer Parts
Computer Parts for ZiyoTek