Build Your Windows Startup Troubleshooting Knowledge
You'll test your knowledge of troubleshooting Windows Start problems.
Computer Science 101
Hope you have fun!!!!! \m/ o___o \m/
Understanding Netiquette
Netiquette Basics
UNDP ZW QUIZ : Data Concepts
A timed quiz to check how much you know about data concepts and other bits of the internet you encounter on a daily basis. Hint: Watching the shared videos will help.
Computing Basics: Components
Find computer components
Uses of a Computer
Guess the correct use of a computer.
Operating System Characteristics
Match the Operating System information to the correct Operating Systen
الصيغ الرياضية (Mathematical formulas)
IT subject - Time out game for grade six students.
HS Computer Final - PowerPoint
For Students to prepare for their HS Final - Category PowerPoint
Cybersecurity (CRJS 405) Game
Cybersecurity Game that tests your knowledge!