Crystal Reports Jeopardy
A "questionable" way to study for your Crystal Reports final.
Team Diversity Rapid Fire
You'll learn what actions support team diversity in this quick fire game.
Listening Effectively
You'll learn ways to improve your listening skills in this rapid fire game.
Keyboard Shortcut
Identifying the Wordpad Keyboard Shortcuts
Name that Shortcut! Keyboard Shortcuts
Match the keyboard shortcut to the correct definition.
IT Networking: Prior Knowledge Internet Game
Match the vocabulary word with the correct definition
Game and App Lab Unit 3: Programming Basics
Programming Basics
Testeaza-ți cunoștințele și viteza de reactie! Enjoy my game!
Microsoft Publisher features on the Home tab
Match the feature to what it allows you to do.
Spreadsheet Terminology
In this activity, you will review spreadsheet terminology.