Data Types Matching Game
You'll match the data type with the maximum value.
Spin the ERD Wheel of Destiny!
How many points can you amass by answering questions on this database design tool.
Squirmy Wormy: Assessing Knowledge on Cloud Computing
An assignment for DL5023: the information and questions are based on the American College of Education video "Cloud Computing" for the course DL5023.
Database Vocabulary
Vocabulary about databases
How Much Do You Know About Motherboards?
Set of questions about functions of motherboard
Cloud Computing
Benefits of Cloud Computing in an Educational Setting
IT Game Time
Match the terms with their meaning
Fragen für die SQL-Klausur Q2.2
Cloud Computing Review
Spend some time learning about the transformational technology of Cloud computing and how it has diffused and been used by companies over time.
Functions of the Operating System
How well do you know Operating Systems?