IT Security Acronyms 1
Test your knowledge of acronyms related to IT security.
Basics of Wireless Security
This rapid fire game addresses the basics of wireless security.
Online Security
CEIS - Etech Activity Quiz for ABM, HUMMS and STEM
A game that teaches you about cyber security and safety. This game has a point system to help you keep track of what you know and what you don't. The higher the points you have, the least likely it is for you to be hacked or attacked.If you receive a low score (lower than 1,250) it is recommended that you learn more about cyber security and ways to keep you and your information safe online.If you wish to learn more
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Learning Game
Fun learning game about GDPR
Business Information System BIS security 2
Business Information System (security)
vocabulary about encryption
Basic Access Protocols
Use the clue to guess the term
Can you outsmart IT? Lets find out!!
Hang Privacy Game
This is a one-player game. The players have to answer the phrase and letter about privacy. If not, the grim reapers will appear.