AR & VR Technology
Get familiar with the basic terms and acronyms used with Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
Tic-Tac-Toe 20 Questions
Review the questions and earn a square on the tic-tac-toe board for every correct answer.
Apple Arcade!
A game about Apple Arcade Trivia!
Computer Revision
Choose the correct option.
Mobile Learning
This is a memory matching game about all things of mobile learning.15 Questions. 1 Player. Set time preference for matching mobile learning game. See if you can do it in 60 seconds!
Dizaina domāšanas process (Design Thinking Process)
Uzlikšķinot sasaisti jēdzienu ar atbilstošo paskaidrojumu. Trenē atmiņu un iemācies jēdzienus!
Mobile Learning: Mano y Mano
You will test your knowledge and learn through BINGO! You will be able to select one minute to five minutes to match. The term will be on one card and definition on the other. Extra points are added for every second left on the clock when all matches are made. Buena suerte!
Mobile Learning Tic Tac Toe
This Tic-Tac-Toe game is for educators to review content learned about mobile learning and it's benefits.