Digital Design Components
Design terms for digital design
Accessibility Terminology Crossword
Review the glossary to complete this puzzle with the correct answers.
Digital Workplace Toolbox Matching Game
Match the technology tools with their primary use.
Technical Vocabulary for Blogs
Match the terms used to describe the way that blogs are laid out on the page with their meanings.
Facebook Terms
Learn and understand the terminologies used on Facebook.
YouTube Settings Matching Activity
In this activity match the setting feature with its definition.
Chapter 2 - Project Methodologies & Processes
True or False & Multiple choice questions. All the best and have fun!
True or False & Multiple choice questions.* Note: If you want to see your score listed on the leaderboard, you need to login first :) But if you don't want, it's okay.READ THE INSTRUCTIONS;* Firstly, you need to click the green button below then just straight away click the "Play Single Player Game" button.*Then you can see the question. You need to click on the "Start Timer & Show Possible Answers".Okay that's all, good luck and have fun!
eTwinning Etkinliği
Teknoloji kullanımı modülüne yönelik sorular