Name That President!
Test your knowledge of U.S. Presidents. Answer the questions before you run out of time!
Wisconsin Criminal Law
You'll review information for the Wisconsin Department of Justice Exam.
Common Security Acronyms 2
Test your knowledge of acronyms related to IT security.
Environmental Quiz
Test your knowledge of environmental issues
Psychoactive Substance Vocabulary
You'll learn vocabulary relating to psychoactive substances.
Intraoral Findings by color changes
Is that normal?
Prescription Drug Abuse
Answer questions regarding prescription drug abuse
JOGO DO TEMPO: Ciência gastronômica
responda no tempo certo às perguntas
Jogo de Terminologia Para Gastronomia 2: Fruits & Legumes
De acordo com o Dicionário ilustrado Fruits Légumes, responda:
Jogo de História da Gastronomia Francesa
De acordo com a apostila de breve história da gastronomia francesa, responda