READ 3320: English Language Learner
ELL Review questions
Modern Communication and Information Technology
You'll review of terms commonly used in modern communication.
Literary Terms Game
BeeKeeper Game: Types of stories
Jogo de Terminologia Para Gastronomia 3: Números
Responda de acordo com a micro-apostila de números
English and Russian: Phrasal Verb "to see"
Practicing phrasal verb "to see" in Russian and English.
English and Russian VIII. Phrasal Verbs " to hand", "to break", "to come", "to see".
Practicing Phrasal Verbs " to hand", "to break", "to come", "to see"
Verb Patterns
Complete the sentences with the correct infinitive or gerund form.
Basic French Vocabulary
Choose the correct English translation of the given French word/phrase.
Performance-Based Curriculum and Assessment
Test your knowledge on the basics of performance-based curriculum and assessment at WITC.
College Courses in Spanish
This BeeKeeper game is about 8 different courses one could take in college. Have fun!