Name the Long Vowel
Students are presented with a one-syllable or two-syllable word. They must determine the long vowel used by the word.
Are You Pronouncing That Correctly?
Go through a list of words and phrases that many people struggle with! Some have tricky spellings, some are hard to pronounce, and some words are just misused. Try reading these aloud to others. Makes a fun classroom activity!
Español: La casa
Learn the parts of the house in español.
Academic Vocabulary 2
Words commonly used in academic settings
Daily Activities in Español
You'll describe your daily routine in Spanish.
Net Neutrality Baseball
You'll test your knowledge of net neutrality.
Online Resources
You'll learn about some of the best websites for fact-checking and other useful resources.
Delegation Crossword
This crossword will act as a study tool to assist you in remembering the "5 Rights of Delegation."
Rhetorical Concepts
Match the example or definition to the appropriate rhetorical concept.
El Tiempo en español
Time to review the weather in Spanish!