Week 2 Vocabulary: Nouns
Given the definition, spell the correct vocabulary word that matches.
SmartPhones and Relationships
Are you connected to your phone? We all know how convenient they have become. Nearly all of our tasks from banking, shopping, working, and learning can be done using our device. If we aren't careful, our relationships can suffer. How much do you know about SmartPhones and Relationships?
Grammar: Action Verbs Simple Present
Grammar review of action verbs
Art History Timeline Review
This game is to review information found in the Art Historical Timeline
Workplace Communication Tic-Tac-Toe
A Tic-Tac-Toe game involving questions about Workplace communication.
The Development of Human Societies
Take a chance! Solve the puzzle for each of these terms related to the evolution and development of human societies.
El Tiempo (Hangmon)
LI: To review weather expressions in Spanish.
Jeopardy: Mi estuche
Identify the contents of your backpack or pencil case in Spanish.
Hang The Moon: Terminologia Clássica Francesa
Encontre o termo em francês para a descrição. (Find the french term corresponding to the Portuguese description)
Jogo de Terminologia Para Gastronomia 1: INGREDIENTES BÁSICOS
De acordo com o Dicionário ilustrado Les ingrédients, responda: