Problem-Solving Tools: Classic Brainstorming
You'll practice identifying keys to successful brainstorming.
Spanish Vocabulary Review
Review vocabulary en español.
Matching Colors in Spanish
Vocabulary Practice en Español.
Jeopardy: Mi estuche
Identify the contents of your backpack or pencil case in Spanish.
Listening Comprehension: "Bobby's Answer".
English V Listening Comprehension. Lesson 10. Audio file here
Approaches and Methods in ELT Jeopardy
Revise different approaches and methods in ELT as well as associated materials and techniques.
Beginning ESL Review
A brief review of subject-verb agreement, articles, family members and occupations.
English Knowledge
Simple english knowledge in language
Match the Abbreviation to the full word.
Flashcards - Colours
Choose the correct word for the color shown