All about language
Match the description to the correct words
Unit 7 Phonology I: Build Your Knowledge
Revise and build your knowledge of phonology terms.
The Development of Human Societies
Take a chance! Solve the puzzle for each of these terms related to the evolution and development of human societies.
English and Russian "Clothing"
An item of clothing will be shown in English, find the correct term in Russian
Jogo de Terminologia Para Gastronomia 1: INGREDIENTES BÁSICOS
De acordo com o Dicionário ilustrado Les ingrédients, responda:
Conditionals Mixed
Practicing all types of Conditionals.
Shopping: Shops and Goods.
Practicing vocabulary. Grammar School #6, What shop has what goods?
Outcomes and Competencies
Test your familiarization associated with learning outcomes and competencies.
Performance Assessment Tasks
Answer questions related to the development and implementation of performance assessment tasks.
Academic Vocabulary Adjectives
Basic Academic Vocabulary