Numbers 1 - 9 In Español
Put the names of these numbers in order!
Café Julia Abschnitte 5-9
Choose the correct order of events from the Treffpunkt Berlin video series that accompanies the 5th edition of the Deutsch Aktuell textbook.
Essay Elements Sequencing
Put the parts of a standard essay in order. This game will list 9 elements. Play again to see more!
"Quiet" Key Events
Sequencing of Key Events
El secreto de la llama (The secret of the flame)
El secreto de la llama by Argentina Palacios (Author)
Put the events from the story in correct order! Play again to see more events!
DANI U TJEDNU (Croatian Days of the Week)
Poredaj dane u tjednu pravilnim redoslijedom.
DOBA DANA (Croatian Time of Day )
Poredaj doba dana pravilnim redoslijedom.
JUČER, DANAS, SUTRA 1 (Days of the Week)
Danas je četvrtak.Poredaj dane u tjednu tako da počneš s danom koji je bio jučer. Today is Thursday. Organize the days of the week to start on the day that was yesterday.
JUČER, DANAS, SUTRA 2 (Croatian Days of the Week 2)
Danas je petak.Poredaj dane u tjednu tako da počneš s danom koji će biti sutra. Today is Friday. Sequence the days of the week to start the day tomorrow.