Are You Pronouncing That Correctly?
Go through a list of words and phrases that many people struggle with! Some have tricky spellings, some are hard to pronounce, and some words are just misused. Try reading these aloud to others. Makes a fun classroom activity!
Net Neutrality Baseball
You'll test your knowledge of net neutrality.
Academic Vocabulary Review
Give definitions for college-themed vocabulary
Numbers 1 - 9 In Español
Put the names of these numbers in order!
Baseball: Types of Repetition or Sound Devices
Literary terms
Jogo de Terminologia Para Gastronomia 2: Fruits & Legumes
De acordo com o Dicionário ilustrado Fruits Légumes, responda:
Café Julia Abschnitte 5-9
Choose the correct order of events from the Treffpunkt Berlin video series that accompanies the 5th edition of the Deutsch Aktuell textbook.
Performance Standards
The questions in this game will test your comprehension of performance standards. Good Luck!
Unit 5 Phonology Connected Speech: Time Out
Test your knowledge of the features of connected speech in the context of islands and bays!
Present Perfect Game
Present perfect game affirmative/negative