Russian Greetings
Check your knowledge of greetings in Russian
Español: La casa
Learn the parts of the house in español.
Chinese and English: Math Vocabulary
Math vocabulary for ESL students featuring clues in Chinese and English.
Advice vs Advise
Choose ADVICE or ADVISE to complete the sentences.
Time Out: Greek and Latin Root Words
Test your knowledge of Greek and Latin root words
Week 5 Vocabulary: Nouns
Spell the correct vocabulary word when given the definition
Unit 3 Phonemic Rapid Fire
Test your knowledge of categories of phoneme
Unit 3 Phonemic Chakalaka
Test your knowledge of different types of phonemes.
Commonly Misspelled Words
You'll practice spelling these often misspelled vocabulary words.
Matching Author's Organizational Pattern / Text Structure
Description/ Chronological Order / Problem and Solution / Cause and Effect / Compare and Contrast