Suffixes Tic Tac Toe
Reviews the suffixes -en, -er, -est, -ful, -less, -ly, -ment, -ness, -ous, and -y
Russian Greetings
Check your knowledge of greetings in Russian
The Best French Crossword
Daily terms from English to French
Medical Terminology: Academic Vocabulary
This game reviews vocabulary associated with discussing medical texts.
Tic-Tac-Toe: Mi estuche
I can identify the objects in my pencil case or backpack in Spanish.
Crossword : Literature Vocabulary (with examples)
Match the given definitions with their corresponding literature terms.
Time Out: Greek and Latin Root Words
Test your knowledge of Greek and Latin root words
Phrasal Verb "Get Over" Multiple Meaning
Practice inferring the meaning of common phrasal verbs
Week 5 Vocabulary: Nouns
Spell the correct vocabulary word when given the definition
Vocabulary: Business Basics 1
Business Basics Vocabulary