Suffixes Tic Tac Toe
Reviews the suffixes -en, -er, -est, -ful, -less, -ly, -ment, -ness, -ous, and -y
Español: La casa
Learn the parts of the house in español.
Advice vs Advise
Choose ADVICE or ADVISE to complete the sentences.
Medical Suffixes
You'll review suffixes or word endings.
Spanish Flashcards! What Is Your Major?
El propósito de este juego es practicar y aprender vocabulario nuevo sobre las especialidades universitarias.
Review of Academic Vocabulary
Quiz yourself on the definitions and parts of speech of some common academic vocabulary.
Les numéros 0 à 70
Match the French word to its number.
Tic-Tac-Toe: Mi estuche
I can identify the objects in my pencil case or backpack in Spanish.
Types of Music in Spanish: Set 1
I can name different types of music in Spanish. Match the style of music in English to the style in español.
Biboletova 8th form
Most serious and crucial problems of our days. Find the right answer.