Literary Terms Crossword
How well do you know your literary terms?
Tic Tac Toe: Types of Characters in Literature
Different ypes of characters in literature
3rd grade students review phonological elements and basic figurative language.
Story Elements XO
Introduction to story vocabulary for ELLs
Writing: About the Story-Line
Tests you over literary terms about the story line.
Poetry Vocabulary Game: Repetition and Sound Devices
Repetition and sound devices crossword puzzle
Types of Characters Crossword
Types of literary characters. 17 word Puzzle.
Vocabulary : Types of stories
This crossword puzzle is about vocabulary words that deal with types of stories.
Crosswizzord: Figures of Speech in Literature
A crossword puzzle to help educate us on terms and figures of speech used in writing
Character Types in Literature & Writing
Literature & Writing 10 word crossword