Wheel of Fortune- Harry Potter
Harry Potter Trivia. Enjoy!
Music Vocabulary
This game will review common Italian musical terms such as the ones found in the song, "Pardon the Expression"
Character House Entertainment: The Moana Character Expansion
Peer Activity
Sound Off (Instruments)
Identify the instrument and its group
Elements of Music
This spin game will be used as part of your review for your Elements of Music test!
People in Films (Terms)
People in Films
Theatre Vocabulary
Try to guess the word!
Grade 6 Contemporary Composition & Choreography
Elements of Contemporary Composition
Drama Terms Review
Review game for basic Drama terms.
Oznake za tempo i dinamiku (Dynamics in Music)
Kroz ovu igru ponovit ćete osnovne oznake za tempo i dinamiku u glazbi. Igra funkcionira na sljedeći način:Vaš zadatak je sastaviti vlastiti bend od različitih likova vanzemaljaca koji vam se nude. Kako biste dodali novog člana, pritisnut ćete gumb "add member". No, da biste ga uspješno dodali, morate točno odgovoriti na postavljeno pitanje. Također, likove možete približavati mikrofonu kako bi oni glasnije "svirali". Sretno! ;)