Character House Entertainment: The Moana Character Expansion
Peer Activity
Sound Off (Instruments)
Identify the instrument and its group
Piano Position Power
Everything You Need to Know About Positioning Yourself to Play Piano
Instrument Family Match
Match the instruments with their correct instrument family.
Culinary Careers
Fun game to play
Sports and Media Review
COM 5113 Sports and Media
Drama Terms Review
Review game for basic Drama terms.
Oznake za tempo i dinamiku (Dynamics in Music)
Kroz ovu igru ponovit ćete osnovne oznake za tempo i dinamiku u glazbi. Igra funkcionira na sljedeći način:Vaš zadatak je sastaviti vlastiti bend od različitih likova vanzemaljaca koji vam se nude. Kako biste dodali novog člana, pritisnut ćete gumb "add member". No, da biste ga uspješno dodali, morate točno odgovoriti na postavljeno pitanje. Također, likove možete približavati mikrofonu kako bi oni glasnije "svirali". Sretno! ;)
Music Theory 2 - Time Signatures
Reviewing quarter note and non-quarter note time signatures.
Who knows about...GERMS!
A game of 15 questions in the style of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. As musicians it's important to know the importance of keeping your instruments clean and learning some basics about germs is always good to know. The questions come from the video dealing with germs. If you have not viewed the video or want to review it, the link is below: