Shorashim Match: Hebrew & English
Perek 23
The Lord's Prayer
This game is for learning the petitions in the Lord's Prayer and some other basic things pertaining to prayer.
What Does the Commandment Mean
A fun game to learn the meanings to the Ten Commandments.
Mormon Church History Events
Put these events in the right order!
Psicólogo estadounidense Carl Rogers (American Psychologist Carl Rogers)
Responda preguntas sobre el psicólogo Carl Rogers
Bible Memory Match
match them
Commandments and Beatitudes Intermediate
Second level Commandments and Beatitudes.
What's Your Caholic Lenten IQ?
How much do you know about Lent in the Catholic Church?
March Kids' Club Bible Verse
Practice the March Memory Verse with this fun game!
Pestalocijev Milioner (Pestaloci in Croatian)
Volite igrice? U karantinu ste? Dosadno vam je? A znate nešto o Pestalociju? Onda je ovo kviz za vas!