The Lord's Prayer
This game is for learning the petitions in the Lord's Prayer and some other basic things pertaining to prayer.
The Six Pillars of Character Review Game
The Six Pillars of Character are: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship.
Commandments and Beatitudes Intermediate
Second level Commandments and Beatitudes.
Pestalocijev Milioner (Pestaloci in Croatian)
Volite igrice? U karantinu ste? Dosadno vam je? A znate nešto o Pestalociju? Onda je ovo kviz za vas!
Major World Religions Quiz
Review questions' game: The five major world religions quiz
Dun Ġorġ Preca u t-tagħlim (Rev. George Preca and Teaching)
( Maltese Language) Dun Ġorġ ried li kulħadd ikollu tagħlim tajjeb. Ara jirnexxielekx iġġib l-għola punt billi tagħżel it-tweġiba t-tajba għal kull mistoqsija li se jkollok. Ħu gost titgħallem ħalli ssir persuna aħjar. (English Translation) Dun Ġorġ wanted everyone to have a good education. See if you can get to the top point by choosing the right answer to each question you will have. Have fun learning to become a better person.
Chumash Game: Dibrot (Hebrew)
Learn about dibrot.
Health 2020 - Amber Johanek
This is a review of everything we have learned about throughout the term in Health. Answer the question correctly, and you get a hit, however, if you get it wrong, it is an out. Topics: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Drug Use While Pregnant; Eating Disorders; Coping with Loss & Grief; Anxiety; Depression; Developing Your Self-Esteem; Family Relationships; Friendships
Philosopher's Game
This is intended for motivational activity in online class.
Basics of Religion Baseball
Review key concepts from chapter 1 of Paths to the Divine