Classical Chinese Philosophy
What do you know about Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism?
Five Major World Religion's Quiz
Review: Five major world religions quiz
Yhteiskuntafilosofia (Society and Philosophy)
Yhteiskunta ja kulttuuri. Kertaa ismejä!
Role Models?
Decide if each person or description is a role model, hero, star, or celebrity.
World Religions Tic Tac Toe
A game to learn about world religions.
Catholic Sacrament Chakalaka
Catholic Sacraments
True or False Scripture Race
Is the Scripture listed True or False?
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Review Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Seven Virtues and Vices Quiz
Select the word that best describes each statement. May your hearts ablaze within you with virtues and may you burn away vices.
Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and His Devotees
Think about todays pastime.... How the Lord glorified His devotees and answer