Famous Paintings in Art History
Learn the names, artists, and dates of some of the most influential paintings of all time.
Art History Timeline Review
This game is to review information found in the Art Historical Timeline
FNAF Crossword
A game to challenge FNAF fans
Pokemon Quiz
Questions and answer options wil be given. Choose the correct answer.
Art Class: Starter Kit Crossword
Art class
Color Bees
Collect the clues!
AMG Crossword 1
Film Crossword
Elements and Principles of Design Crossword
This will help you get an understanding of the color wheel and terms used in the element and principle of design.
Board Game and Video Game Contrasts
I love board games and video games. Match up the contrasts between them. The Terms are about the Board Games and the Definition is about Video Games
Spanish Colors
this game will help any group of students learn how to spell there colors in spanish. enjoy!