Wisc-Online Gamebuilder: Tips on Building a Good Game!
When building a game you should give your game a good title that lets players know what your game is about. Learn some easy tips about building a good game!
Artists and Their Works
Get the artists and their paintings right to get three in a row!
Snowmen at Christmas
this is so much fun
Soccer Game
You need to choose the right answer
Language Buddy French Numbers
Balance in Fashion - Group 8
A game to test your knowledge about balance in fashion.
Revolution 2.0 (For MS.Thomas): Vocabulary
A vocabulary exercise based on the connotation and denotation of ten words in the text. Here are five of the words: disseminated, ideology, annul, divisive, spontaneous. Your job is to find the other five.
Creative Thinking Final Review Game
The game covers concepts from the second half of the 2020 Creative Thinking spring semester.
Tic-Tac-Toe - Southeast Asian Attires
This game will test your understanding in our first topic in Art.
Elements & Principles Review
Reviewing Elements of Art and Principles of Design