Russian Greetings
Check your knowledge of greetings in Russian
Hunger Games Characters
The characters from Chapters 1-7 of The Hunger Games
Words for Writers
Terms for discussing student writing
AV Research
Academic vocabulary related to doing research
Elements of Art- Space
Art History Review- Space
Unit 3 Phonemic Chakalaka
Test your knowledge of different types of phonemes.
Rainbow Fish Game
Kindergarten Comprehension Questions for Rainbow Fish Book
Unit 1: Wonders Vocabulary
Third grade Unit 1 Weeks 1-3 reading vocabulary practice.
Which Preposition Fits?
Choose which Latin preposition will replace the English preposition in the prepositional phrase. Answer questions correctly to get 5 moves on the Chakalaka board. Line up 3 or more vegetables in a row on the board and gain points.
Matching Author's Organizational Pattern / Text Structure
Description/ Chronological Order / Problem and Solution / Cause and Effect / Compare and Contrast