Figurative Language Review
This game reviews similes, metaphors, alliteration, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, and personification.
The Best French Crossword
Daily terms from English to French
Week 2 Vocabulary: Nouns
Given the definition, spell the correct vocabulary word that matches.
Synonyms and Antonyms
A Language Arts review game of synonyms and antonyms for 2nd grade students.
Story Elements Hangmoon
Vocabulary used when discussing fiction
Literary Terms Crossword
How well do you know your literary terms?
SmartPhones and Relationships
Are you connected to your phone? We all know how convenient they have become. Nearly all of our tasks from banking, shopping, working, and learning can be done using our device. If we aren't careful, our relationships can suffer. How much do you know about SmartPhones and Relationships?
READ 3320: English Language Learner
ELL Review questions
Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece: Chapter 8
The American Flag
Test your knowledge of the American Flag