Famous Paintings in Art History
Learn the names, artists, and dates of some of the most influential paintings of all time.
Problem-Solving Tools: Classic Brainstorming
You'll practice identifying keys to successful brainstorming.
Spanish Vocabulary Review
Review vocabulary en español.
Medical Suffixes
You'll review suffixes or word endings.
Matching Colors in Spanish
Vocabulary Practice en Español.
Spanish Flashcards! What Is Your Major?
El propósito de este juego es practicar y aprender vocabulario nuevo sobre las especialidades universitarias.
Listening Comprehension: "Bobby's Answer".
English V Listening Comprehension. Lesson 10. Audio file here https://yadi.sk/d/E_xjHhEK3GpzPq
El Cuerpo - Match
Spanish body parts vocabulary
Lit Match
game for literary terms
Narrative Writing 1
Flip cards to match word to it definition