System 1E Review: Steris Low Temp Scope Washer
Review of the Steris low temp scope washer
Lean Basics
Test your knowledge of continuous improvement / lean basics!
Construction: Floor Framing Game
In this game, you will show your skills of how much you know about floor framing.
Welding EOC Study Guide
By Cody and Ethan
Jeopardy Game: Steam Locomotive
Give this game a try and see if you are a true conductor or just a traveler on this fun adventure.
Baseball (foamline)
QAD 2020_1
Jrotc Baseball
Fun to play social media game
Binary to Decimal
You will practice converting from a binary number to a decimal number
Torsion of Circular Rods
Content Review
Safety: Glove & Sleeve Wearing
Glove & Sleeve Safety