Convert Decimal Numbers to Percentages
A decimal number is given, now you change it into a percentage (percent form).
Polynomials and Monomials Practice
Practice your knowledge of polynomials and monomials.
Multiples of Numbers from 2-9
3-D Shapes
Learning about 3-D shapes and their relation to the real world
7th Grade Review: Geometry, Math and Measurement
Practice for 7th grade sgo
Solutions and solving one step equations
Slithery Multipulcation
You are a snake and you are hungry! One of the foods is poison while the other is not! U have a clue to find the not poisoned food, which is a math game!
Antarctica : Telling Time
Time Elapse
A review of economics for the dynamics final
Compare Decimals
Compare Decimals and guide the snake to the correct answer!